Donnerstag, 09.05.2024 07:58 Uhr

Tunisia: migrants expelled from Sfax .

Verantwortlicher Autor: El arabi Bouhafa Verona ( IT ), 09.07.2023, 16:59 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: Elarabi Bouhafa Bericht 4278x gelesen

Verona ( IT ) [ENA] SFAX - Dozens of African migrants have been expelled from the Tunisian city of Sfax which experienced another night of violence after the death of a local in the clashes, according to testimonies and images broadcast online. In several neighborhoods of this large city in east-central Tunisia, hundreds of residents gathered in the streets during the night demanding the immediate departure of all illegal migrants.

Some blocked roads and set tires on fire to express their anger after a 41-year-old resident was stabbed to death in Monday's clashes with migrants from sub-Saharan Africa. In videos circulating on social media, police officers can be seen chasing dozens of migrants from their homes to the applause of residents, before loading them into security cars. Others showed migrants on the ground, hands on their heads, surrounded by residents with sticks awaiting the police's arrival.

For many months, Tunisia has known extraordinary clashes between the local police and illegal immigrants, who at the end of the previous year staged a sit-in in in front of UNHCR's headquarters, complaining of ill-treatment and omission by the international organization. Tunisia is also in transition under the rule of current President Kais Saied, who seized power in the country, and has frozen all constitutional institutions.

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