Donnerstag, 09.05.2024 15:30 Uhr

Syria: Kurds accuse Turkey of reducing water flow

Verantwortlicher Autor: El arabi Bouhafa Verona ( IT ), 09.07.2023, 16:59 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: Elarabi Bouhafa Bericht 4270x gelesen

Verona ( IT ) [ENA] Kurdish authorities in northeastern Syria have accused Turkey of effectively causing an environmental disaster in the northeastern Syrian region of Hasake by cutting off the water supply from the Alluk water pumping station, which is located in a area under control of pro-Turkish Syrian forces. According to the Syrian Kurdish media, the militias cut off about 1 million people's drinking water.

Turkey has controlled an area in northeastern Syria close to the Turkish-Syrian border since the fall of 2019. Despite confirmations by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights of Turkish interference in the management of water resources in northeastern Syria, Ankara has repeatedly rejected the allegations made by the Kurdish authorities. These are supported by the United States and are a local offshoot of the Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK), an armed formation considered a terrorist by the Turkish authorities. According to the UN, a real humanitarian crisis is looming in Syria which has been at war for more than 12 years due to the limited access to water by the populations of north-eastern Syria and other regions of the tormented country.

The news circulating is that many of Syria's afflicted regions are without the most viable means of life. The country knows a real human tragedy caused by the civil war caused by President Bashar al-Assad's regime, leaving millions dead and millions of displaced to neighbouring countries, especially Turkey. The war also contributed to Syria's inclusion among the world's most dangerous regions.

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