Donnerstag, 09.05.2024 18:52 Uhr

Spain : inspect agricultural products from Morocco

Verantwortlicher Autor: Elarabi Bouhafa Verona ( IT ), 07.03.2024, 16:05 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: Elarabi Bouhafa Bericht 4194x gelesen

Verona ( IT ) [ENA] In Spain, the campaign against Moroccan agricultural products has just reached a new level. The agricultural union, Union des Unions, demanded its participation in control operations on products coming mainly from Morocco, reports an Iberian media outlet. The professional body affirms that border controls must be carried out “with responsibility in order to reassure consumers and producers”.

The union justified its request by its “loss of confidence” in the actions taken by the government of Pedro Sánchez to “protect” Spanish consumers “from toxic residues” that these imported products could contain, stressing that they “are not comply with European Union phytosanitary standards. This week, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Bourita, took issue with the allegations, made by unions and European parties, which present “the European Union as a sieve where everything enters without control”. “We negotiated quotas. We negotiated phytosanitary standards. The European Union was, moreover, very fussy about the conditions,” said the head of Moroccan diplomacy.

For several weeks, the European continent has been experiencing general strikes by European farmers, who are seeking to make the European Union subject to their demands, which sees the laws of the Continental Union as not serving their interests, and seeks to tighten the noose on them and block their sources of livelihood. As for opening other means of production. El arabi Bouhafa / European News Agency

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