Donnerstag, 09.05.2024 05:17 Uhr

Maroc : the Mohammed VI tower finalizes its grand entrance

Verantwortlicher Autor: Elarabi Bouhafa Verona ( IT ), 07.12.2023, 18:30 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: Elarabi Bouhafa Bericht 6069x gelesen

Verona ( IT ) [ENA] Final stretch before the inauguration of the Mohammed VI Tower in Rabat. On site, workers are busy completing work on the floor and ceiling, as well as the large ceiling overlooking the main door of the tower. The end of construction of the 55-story tower is only a few days away. a question of time. It should also be noted that the work includes the construction of a bay overlooking the Bouregreg.

Reaching a height of 250 meters, the Mohammed VI Tower was designed to be visible from 50 kilometers away. With a total area of ​​102,800 m², the building is made up of a tower which is itself installed on a podium, all evoking a rocket on its launch pad, documentation indicates. The interior of the building was designed over 55 floors, housing a luxury hotel, offices, high-end apartments and an observation deck at the top, all accessible via a total of 40 elevators, including 23 in the tower and 17 in the podium.

Started in 2018 then suspended during the Covid-19 pandemic, the project has since resumed for a total investment of 6 billion dirhams. The Mohammed VI Tower in Rabat was awarded an award for the excellence of its engineering by the College of Civil Engineers of Madrid. The award, awarded during “Caminos Madrid 2022”, honors the best performance in terms of engineering projects and is considered a benchmark in the world of construction, a press release indicates. Reporter : El arabi Bouhafa - European News Agency /

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